VBA Better Array Documentation
VBA Better Array provides a cross-platform array class with a focus on developer convenience.
Working with arrays in VBA can be a pain. While accessing native arrays is fast in VBA, adding new entries to the end of an exising array essentially means copying the whole array into a new array and requires multiple statements to do so. In addition, VBA arrays don’t come with many of the built-in methods found in more modern languages, such as the ability to easily sort, slice and join to other arrays.
This project aims to help bridge that gap, making working with arrays in VBA both simpler and more convenient.
Stored in a single .cls
file, the BetterArray class can easily be imported into any new or existing VBA project. It’s written in pure VBA and doesn’t use any external dependencies. As such, it should work in any application that supports VBA scripting across both Windows and Mac operating systems.
For more information on how VBA Better Array works, check out the About page. Otherwise, head on over to the Installation guide and start making your array experience in VBA better today!