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ErrorCodes Enumeration

Specifies the type and value of error.

Name Value Description
EC_EXPECTED_RANGE_OBJECT -2147220991 Range Object Expected
EC_EXPECTED_COLLECTION_OBJECT -2147220990 Valid Collection Object Expected
EC_MAX_DIMENSIONS_LIMIT -2147220989 Cannot convert structure of arrays with more than 20 dimensions.
EC_EXCEEDS_MAX_SORT_DEPTH -2147220988 Cannot sort on arrays with more than 2 dimensions
EC_EXPECTED_JAGGED_ARRAY -2147220987 Expected jagged array.
EC_EXPECTED_MULTIDIMENSION_ARRAY -2147220986 Expected multidimension array.
EC_EXPECTED_ARRAY -2147220985 Expected array.
EC_NULL_STRING -2147220984 Cannot parse from a null string. Expected string with length greater than 0.
EC_UNALLOCATED_ARRAY -2147220983 Cannot operate on unallocated array.
EC_UNDEFINED_ARRAY -2147220982 Array is undefined.
EC_INVALID_MULTIDIMENSIONAL_ARRAY_OPERATION -2147220981 Unable to perform the requested operation on a multidimensional array.
EC_EXPECTED_VARIANT_ARRAY -2147220980 Unable to perform the requested operation on a typed array.
EC_EXCEEDS_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH -2147220979 The requested operation would result in an array which exceeds the maximum possible length.
EC_STRING_TYPE_EXPECTED -2147220978 Expected a String or String-coercible type.
EC_CANNOT_CONVERT_TO_REQUESTED_STRUCTURE -2147220977 The stored array cannot be converted to the requested structure.